Weight loss Tips Diet and Drinks

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Monday, November 5, 2018

November 05, 2018

Cashew nut also promotes weight loss.

Despite having several weight loss properties, cashews are known for inducing weight gain due to the excessive amount of calories. Truth is that Cashew nuts do not cause weight gain unless they are eaten in excess.

Cashews contain monosaturated fat which is beneficial for weight loss. It also contains the mineral Magnesium that promotes weight loss by boosting the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

The high protein content of cashews increase feelings of fullness and satiety resulting in low-calorie intake throughout the day.

Monday, October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018

Drinking cold water is good for weight loss.

There are several ways of attaining the Weight loss goal. Drinking cold water is one of them. Drinking cold water makes our body to work hard for maintaining its core temperature to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, resulting in burning a few extra calories to digest the water. 

But drinking cold water should not be considered as the ultimate route of your weight loss journey as the amount of energy spent is very small, equivalent to 8 calories. You should intake at least 2 Liter of cold water every day. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 27, 2018

Your Gut bacteria may hinder your weight loss journey.

The type of bacteria in your gut may promote or inhibit your weight loss effort. Our body absorbs only a part of the calories stored in the feed we consume as our gut breaks down the food we eat into smallest possible pieces to get absorbed into our bloodstream. The rest is eliminated as waste material.

Some bacteria have better food chopping ability to turn the maximum consumed food into those smallest pieces that get digested and increase the calories intake and thereby tend to increase our weight. Presence of those kinds of bacteria in the gut hinders weight loss effort.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16, 2018

Blueberries in diet is a smart choice for weight loss.

Excess consumption of non-nutritive, highly refined foods is plaguing the world with Weight and fat gain. 

Including Blueberries in regular diet can be a smart choice. 

Research suggests that the blueberries are loaded with fiber that keeps you full for long without consuming excess calories. 

When combined with a low-fat diet, blueberries might also lower triglycerides and improve blood sugar levels, each benefit of a comprehensive weight loss plan.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

October 11, 2018

Can smoothies or juices help you lose weight?

Fruits and vegetables are good for you — no one would argue with that but juicing Vs blending them is on the debate. It’s important to understand the health benefits and implications of what you’re drinking.

With juicing, you’re essentially removing all fibrous materials, leaving only the liquid of the fruits and vegetables. With blending, you get it all — the pulp and fiber that bulks up the produce. 

“We do not recommend any liquid calories,” says Gomer. “For weight loss, always eat the fruits and veggies — don’t drink them. If weight loss isn’t an issue, then the smoothie would win the prize over the juicing.”

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October 10, 2018

Does Eating Salad Help You Lose Weight?

Salads fit well into a healthful diet by replacing a high calorie, heavy meal. 

 But it is very unfortunate that many people eat salad for weight loss and gain weight instead because of wrong selection of the salad ingredients that contains full of fat and calories. 

 Moreover, if your salad can't satisfy and keep you full for long you will start eating soon after and intake more calories. 

Carefully prepared salads can not only help you lose weight but also help you meet the daily recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as for essential nutrients.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

October 06, 2018

Do Monounsaturated Fats Help You to Lose Belly Fat?

Adding mono-unsaturated fats into a balanced diet will help promote belly fat loss.

Include foods that are high in mono-unsaturated fats like Almonds, olive oil, Avocado into your daily meal plan to help to burn unwanted fat.

Mono-unsaturated fats will help keep you full and restrict your calorie intake by preventing over-eating.
These fats will help you burn belly fat when eaten in moderation.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 03, 2018

Incorporate Eggs in diet for Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, incorporating eggs in the breakfast and diet is one of the best things you can do.

The high protein content and nutrient dense egg breakfast caused significantly greater satiety, less hunger and automatically cause to eat about 270–470 calories less at lunch and dinner buffets. 

Moreover, eggs are low in calorie, healthy fats, and many essential vitamins and minerals. along with all the essential amino acids in the right ratio, hence boost metabolism. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

October 01, 2018

What Kim Kardashian Eats In A Day? Kim's Weight loss and fitness diet

Kim follows a version of the keto diet, which involves eating lots of good fats to curb hunger pangs - while cutting down on carbs. 

She loves eating real food that’s cooked every day.  The processed foods like biscuits, bread, sauces, and even salad dressing are officially off the table.

What Kim’s day on a plate looks like:

Breakfast: Blueberry oatmeal pancakes
Lunch: Chicken, sweet potato and vegetables 
Dinner: Fish and vegetables 
Drink: Four and a half liters day

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018

How to lose weight on carb diet?

healthcare quotes and sayings - How to lose weight without cutting the carbs?

When trying to lose weight, many people cut out carbs but a balanced diet with portion control and complex carbohydrates can work well for weight loss. 

Not all carbs are unhealthy sugar, it is only the fructose portion of sugar that is the bit to be concerned about. So, be selective and Eat the right carbs. 

Avoid high fat and calorie that will result in weight gain. Your lifestyle should be tailored to a balanced diet and a good amount of exercise to burn more calories than you eat. It’s that simple.

Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21, 2018

Eating Nuts Regularly Boosts Weight Loss

Healthy food quotes - how to lose weight?:

Routinely eating nuts as a feature of a healthy eating regimen isn't related to weight gain, and may even enable you to get in shape by losing weight. 

Adding nuts to the eating regimen has been connected to decreased appetite and feeling full for more hours, resulting in consuming fewer calories.

Despite being high in fat and calories, a portion of the fat in nuts isn't all around consumed and rather evacuated in the defecation, hence less absorption of Fats & Calories.
Fat loss is likely greater after consuming whole nuts. 

Nuts are incredibly healthy.

Monday, September 17, 2018

September 17, 2018

Skipping breakfast will hinder weight loss and induce weight gain

Healthcare quotes and sayings - Diet

Skipping breakfast and fasted until lunchtime managed to avoid approx 353 calories in a day. 

But experts suggest otherwise. Skipping meals is never an option for a healthy weight loss. One must always consume all meals, enriched with essential nutrients and all food groups. 

Skipping breakfast has been tied to inducing weight gain, triggering ailments like diabetes, heart diseases, migraine & an impaired cognitive function. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

September 15, 2018

Ice Cream Diet: Weight Loss Fact

The original ice cream diet is based on a book authored by Holly McCord.

The diet suggests that you can add the sweet creamy treat to your daily life and still lose weight

“This is a calorie-restricted diet,” explains dietician Jo Bartell. “Anytime people follow a calorie-restricted diet and eat fewer calories than they burn throughout the day”.

The weight loss happens not because ice cream contains any magic weight loss powers, but because you’re otherwise eating healthfully and limiting calories.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 13, 2018

The Science Behind How Fruits Help Losing Weight?

Fruits are Superfoods as they contain healthy levels of soluble and viscous fiber and low Calorie. Fiber improves digestion, curbs the absorption of sugar in your blood, and keeps us satiated for longer. This helps us achieve a calorie deficit more easily.

However, we should consume fruits in moderation because fruits are high in the pure sugar fructose that your body will more readily store as fat and hinder Weight loss.

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10, 2018

Banana in the diet promotes Weight Loss as they are high in fiber but low in calories

If you are trying to lose weight, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating bananas as a part of a balanced, real food based diet. They are also high in fiber, but low in calories.  
An adequate fiber intake is also linked to reduced body weight. This effect is thought to occur because fiber makes you feel full for longer, which may help you eat fewer calories over the long term.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 09, 2018

Carrot aids weight loss - Carrot Juice For Weight Loss

Carrot aids weight loss. While raw carrot is best, juicing carrots also helps effective weight loss.

If you are on a weight loss diet, your eating routine must incorporate sustenances that are high on fibre, and carrots with both solvent and insoluble filaments superbly fit the bill. Fibre takes the longest to process and along these lines advances a sentiment of completion and keeps you from gorging on other swelling sustenances.

Friday, September 7, 2018

September 07, 2018

Grapes are tasty, nutritious and great for health

Grapes not only taste amazing but also are extremely nutritious. They are mood-boosting agents and great for our health.

They can help with weight management. 
They're an anti-inflammatory food. 
They're a heart-healthy snack. 
Your brain may benefit from grapes. 
They may help protect your skin. 
They can lower your risk of diabetes. 
They count toward hydration.

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September 07, 2018

Lemon and honey on lukewarm water magic trick for weight loss

Drinking lemon and honey on lukewarm water as the first thing in the morning gets your system in the fat burning mode. It gets in the action to expel any harmful chemicals and toxins out from the body by regularising the bowel movement and keep the digestive system healthy. 
It kick-starts your system by providing it with a boost of essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. 

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 06, 2018

Herbal tea has a huge nutritional value and a lot of health benefits

No matter which herbal tea you are sipping on, be sure that it has a huge nutritional value and has a lot of health benefits too. 

It helps to cure Cough and Cold, reducing infections, Boosting iron in the body, showing anti-inflammatory effects, treating insomnia, rejuvenating tissue cells,  soothing stomach tissues, promoting flawless skin, maintain proper kidney health, relieving stress and many more. 

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